Tuesday, July 22, 2008


On June 22nd, three MEN (a father ALAN and his two sons Johnny and Ben) set off from Sydney on dirt bikes to travel across Australia to live an adventurous dream and raise money to help find a cure for cancer.

The ‘Hard Way Round’ as it is so aptly called, will see them cross the Simpson Desert to Alice Springs, travel north to Darwin through some of Australia’s most desolate lands, then across the Kimberley region and through the Pilbara down to Perth.

Their journey will take them through the Nullarbor and Flinders Ranges and back to Sydney where they hope/aim to come home to the knowledge that they have raised $50,000 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

This journey is completely unassisted so the guys will rely on months of calculated planning, their wit to see them stay focused on the long and tiring days and their faith to see them through this journey safely and welcomed home by their Mother and sister.............who one can only imagine anxiously await the next phone call from them.

To follow this incredible Journey and help them with a donation please click on the link below.


Safe Riding boys.................Enjoy every minute out there

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