Thursday, January 31, 2008

Another one for the 500 club

Well I'm about a week late in writing this blog, but here goes my claim to a 500km week.
Good to see 3 out of 4 members of 'Hogbins Heroes' now cracked the barrier ! Go hard Pup, Mal and I are with you and if it wasn't for the Rickster's close encounter with a car, I'm sure he'd have banged out some extra kms as well !

Sunday 20/1 - 178 kms. Started at Maiseys and did Waterall with Gary, Vaughan and Garren. Despite being called 'Chicken s..t' by one of our co-founders, I left the bunch in Nth Sydney and clocked up the extra k's on my own by doing a loop of Church Pt and Mosman.

Tuesday 22/1 - 60 kms. Standard ride incl Maiseys, Warriewood & Manly

Wednesday 23/1 - 73km. Same as above but went to Church Point

Friday 25/1 - 25kms. On my Rollers ! and yes I am claiming them as legitimate kms despite Cougar's scepticism. As far as I reckon, rollers should give double bonus points. I hate the stupid things. And on top of everything else, my only real crashes have been on these contraptions. My 2 year old daughter finds it very amusing and I've got the carpet burn to prove it !

Saturday 26/1 - 172kms. Big ride out through Bobbo, Berowra, Galston Gorge, Bobbo again, Akuna, West Head and return to Palm Beach. Over 2500 metres of elevation ! Bunch started with 13 people and only those in the picture made it to West Head for the happy snap....and it was hot.

Total: 508km

So I guess this is still less than half the work load of the tour itself and includes lots of recovery which we won't get in April. Clearly there still needs many more kms in the legs before March 31 !!!!

See you all on the road......P

Sunday, January 27, 2008

500km club... has a plus 1

The Pup has joined a club!!! woohoo!

Here's the weeks rides:

Monday: 91km includes my first criterium

Tuesday: 40km

Wednesday: 60km

Thursday: 61km

Friday: 48km

Saturday: 125km includes a 10km up Dorrigo mountain (the local peak)

Sunday: 79km includes a 17km climb

Total: 502km

Weeks Average: 29-30km/h

Looking forward to rejoining the peletons training in two weeks time and possibly getting a few in the 700k's in 7 days...

happy riding

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Is the 500 club going to accept a new member?

It's Thursday night and I've just completed my 252nd km for the week. 500 is well in the sights and a new member to the 500 club will exist come Sunday night.
The secret training is working a charm- I'm ready for wind and rain that's for sure!
This weeks k's have included my first ever bike crit- which I won!!! It was only C grade, but I'm working on peaking at the right time- A grade come the start of April, and with the lead out men I've got, watch out old boys!!!
Keep watch, the Pup will have 500 down come Sunday...
so we have no excuses about being a lazy uni kid, I've actually been working a 40 hour week- I'm really tired!
When I get back to being that lazy uni kid in holiday I think I'll look at doing 700k's in 7 days- I'll be back in Sydney for that so I already know Mal, Phil and maybe even Rick will be keen to join!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

500km Club

Happy to report the year is off to a cracking start. The Learjet and Cougar are already in the 500k Club and looking forward to the other TDC'rs joining over the coming weeks.

Below are the rides we completed.

Thursday - Naremburn - La Perouse - Naremburn 65km

Friday - Naremburn - Palm Beach- Naremburn 81km

Saturday - Naremburn - Glaston Gorge/Berowra/Bobbin head (3peaks) - Naremburn 89.5km

Sunday - Naremburn - Ettalong via Palm Beach - Naremburn 133km

Monday - Rest Day

Tuesday - Naremburn - Church Point - Naremburn 65km

Wednesday - Naremburn - Church Point - Mosman finger - Naremburn 75km

TOTAL 508.5km

Some interesting facts which I managed to record from the rides

Total Calories 12611

Total hours 22.5

Total Climb 5552m

Cost for food $70

Average Heart rate 132bpm (beats per minute)

Drank 15biddons of water on the bike

There were certainly some good and bad days on the bike during this first week back from holidays. Interesting to note that Pizza the night before the 3 peaks ride, subsequently saw me last up each and every climb.....funny that!

The learjet on his trusty new steed (KOM - Cannondale six13) proved that age is no barrier to acheivement. His strength on the flats was legendary and his time at the front of the peleton each day meant each of the 500km was earnt .............. Euro hardcore cyclists know how to ride!

“pain is temporary, failure lasts forever...” Lance Armstrong

Great quote. Great shot. Great ride. Great 500km. Great mates... Loving it all!

Thanks to all who joined us for rides along the way. Your company and competitiveness made each ride another one to remember.

Can't wait to start TDC 08............bring it on!

Ride safe